Bright light in the morning

Bright light in the morning

Do you want to wake up already charged and with an edge despite the alarm clock going off early? The secret is bright light in the morning.

Because it is important to breathe well

Why is it important to breathe well | Swiss Natural Med

The hectic life we ​​live every day, problems, anxieties and stress (summarizing our lifestyle) can make our way of breathing constantly dysfunctional.
But why is it important to breathe well? Is it good for our health?

Is stretching in the morning important?

Stretching in the morning is important Swiss Natural Med

When we sleep, our muscles relax, blood flow decreases, our whole body temperature drops, and our heart rate slows. So stretching in the morning is important to wake up our body.

Are your circadian rhythms "off"?

Your circadian rhythms are "off" Swiss Natural Med

Today we will understand together how to understand if your circadian rhythms are "busted" and how this can affect your health and well-being.